Monday, December 21, 2015

First day at work

Upon arriving to pick up the kids from school, I found E's spare binky in the parking lot, smashed to bits. It must have fallen when we unloaded this morning. I was afraid it was a bad omen, but when I got to his class he was so busy playing that he couldn't be bothered to look up. When he finally did, he briefly looked confused then gave a great big smile to his teacher Miss Rachel and barely noticed me! The teachers reported that he had a rough morning but perked up after eating and even took a short nap. He passed out in the car on the way home and is probably out for the night already. An amazing reception at work from my new manager Lisa Owen made my first day back so much easier. #independentkids #oneluckymama #twomoredaystillbreak
from Facebook
via IFTTT December 21, 2015 at 05:02PM

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Kind of ready to return to work; not ready at all to leave this face! On the one hand, I know he'll be just fine, and on the other I think my heart might break when I close his classroom door behind me. #mylastbabyisgrowingup #sixmonthsofbonding #ilovemyjobilovemyjobilovemyjob

Kind of ready to return to work; not ready at all to leave this face! On the one hand, I know he'll be just fine, and on the other I think my heart might break when I close his classroom door behind me. #mylastbabyisgrowingup #sixmonthsofbonding #ilovemyjobilovemyjobilovemyjob
from Facebook
via IFTTT December 20, 2015 at 06:51PM

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

It's official. Our kids are just not that impressed with Santa Claus. #littlemonster

It's official. Our kids are just not that impressed with Santa Claus. #littlemonster
from Facebook
via IFTTT December 16, 2015 at 09:44AM

Friday, December 11, 2015

He'll never remember

That time I changed his diaper on the 19th century floor of the Lemon Hill mansion in Fairmount Park. After our guided tour, the house was empty, and they didn't have a changing station, so they let me sneak upstairs. The sun was setting, casting the room in oranges and reds, and the view of the city skyline was incomparable. He squealed on his diaper mat laid over the painted wooden floor as I kept looking around the sumptuously decorated room, admiring the curved wooden doors and windows and trying to imagine a life that included being invited to the wealthy merchant's suburban getaway. I simultaneously romanticized that time period while thanking my lucky stars for modern conveniences like disposable diapers.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

First IKEA trip (same face as the Eagles game...)

First IKEA trip (same face as the Eagles game...)
from Facebook
via IFTTT December 08, 2015 at 12:27PM

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Biting his nails over this Eagles game...

Biting his nails over this Eagles game...
from Facebook
via IFTTT December 06, 2015 at 07:18PM

"I only woke my mama up once each of the past two nights and she rewards me by posting my bad hair day on the interweb!?!" #modernbabyproblems #justdontbesocutethen #cantwaittoseeyourrealmohawk

"I only woke my mama up once each of the past two nights and she rewards me by posting my bad hair day on the interweb!?!" #modernbabyproblems #justdontbesocutethen #cantwaittoseeyourrealmohawk
from Facebook
via IFTTT December 06, 2015 at 07:15AM

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

So cool... watch on the monitor as E puts himself back to sleep. It's something we missed not having a monitor for H. Also it means he's becoming a more independent sleeper, which is obviously awesome.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

First tooth is through with very little drama. This jacket, however, is causing some consternation. #5months1day #theresmorewherethatcamefrom #professorelliot

First tooth is through with very little drama. This jacket, however, is causing some consternation. #5months1day #theresmorewherethatcamefrom #professorelliot
from Facebook
via IFTTT November 21, 2015 at 03:48PM

Friday, November 20, 2015

For those who are counting, this goober is 5 months old today. #onemoremonthofmaternityleave #imnotready #dontlosethattoothlessgrin

For those who are counting, this goober is 5 months old today. #onemoremonthofmaternityleave #imnotready #dontlosethattoothlessgrin
from Facebook
via IFTTT November 20, 2015 at 03:34PM

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Perfect afternoon for a walk to the Bala Cynwyd Library with my little ball of energy.

Perfect afternoon for a walk to the Bala Cynwyd Library with my little ball of energy.
from Facebook
via IFTTT November 17, 2015 at 02:36PM

Nights with young children

Congratulations! You're pregnant. In the interest of preparing you for future nights with a young child, I propose the following training course, with an optional adaptation** for those who are planning to co-sleep.

Step 1: Give your phone to your archenemy, ask them to set no fewer than 3 alarms to go off between the hours of 11pm and 5am. Follow your normal nighttime routine, except do it in a third of your normal time and brush your teeth with face cream. Then lie down to sleep.

Step 2: When the first alarm goes off, choose one of the following activities at random:

1. Play Operation in the dark.
2. Do your favorite exercise video carrying a 10-pound sack of potatoes. (If you tire and stop, you must do the next five minutes at double-time.)
3. Blow an air horn in your face three times.

Step 3: Get back in bed. Immediately stand back up and get a glass of water. (It's not for you, though, so don't drink it. Leave it somewhere you're likely to trip over it later.)

Step 4: When the next alarm goes off, choose two of the following activities:

1. Tie your shoes with one hand.
2. Type the words "baby fighting sleep" into a search engine. Read at least the first 12 results, including at least 6 posts from complete strangers with differing opinions.
3.Strip and re-make your bed.

Step 5: Get back in bed.

Repeat Steps 2-5 for additional alarms.

Step 6: When the final alarm sounds, try to remember the words to ANY lullaby. Sing it at least 95 times. Watch a baby panda video online and let your heart swell with love for such an adorable, defenseless creature. Then dump a Jello pudding cup down the front of your shirt.

Step 7: Clean it up (or don't) and get back in bed until at least 1.5 hours before you need to get up for work. You'll need that long to get yourself and your little ones ready for the day.

**Co-sleeping adaptation: Remove any pillows from your bed. Push your sheets and comforter to cover your feet only. Any time you lie down, have your roommate strike you repeatedly in the face, chest or lower back with a frozen chicken leg.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

I struggle to nap as long as my baby boy. Two hours already and he's still going strong. I guess we all have our strengths. #lazyafternoon #allplayedout #farmerelliot

I struggle to nap as long as my baby boy. Two hours already and he's still going strong. I guess we all have our strengths. #lazyafternoon #allplayedout #farmerelliot
from Facebook
via IFTTT November 14, 2015 at 02:59PM

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Today I chose this over exercising. Pretty sure I'd ALWAYS choose this. #keepingtheextrapounds #illworkoutwhentheyreolder #priorities

Today I chose this over exercising. Pretty sure I'd ALWAYS choose this. #keepingtheextrapounds #illworkoutwhentheyreolder #priorities
from Facebook
via IFTTT November 12, 2015 at 04:01PM

Tuesday, November 10, 2015


After two pretty rough nights, today E had one of those "were-you-even-wearing-a-diaper", "bath-in-the-middle-of-the-day", "even-mama-needs-a-new-outfit" kind of poop-splosions. I need at least a 4-hour stretch of sleep tonight to get me through the rest of this week. Cross your fingers for me.‪#‎parentingisnotforwimps‬ ‪#‎iftheywerentsocute‬ ‪#‎toooldforthis‬

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Yoga for mom and baby

Following along with a "Yoga for mom and baby" dvd this morning:
1. Minute 3: "Jeez, 13 pounds is heavy."
2. Minute 12: "Does this child ever stop moving?"
3. Minute 30: "Mmm. I'm really relaxed. This is nice."
4. Minute 31: [Pause for poop-splosion and resulting clean up] 
5. Minute 31, take two: "How many minutes are left on this thing?"
6. Minute 45: "At least one of us is tired enough to take a nap now. Too bad it's not Elliot."

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

This goofball is 4 months old today. After an exhausting day of watching the movers, he's settling in to his new digs and his very own room!

This goofball is 4 months old today. After an exhausting day of watching the movers, he's settling in to his new digs and his very own room!
from Facebook
via IFTTT October 20, 2015 at 11:11AM

Sunday, October 18, 2015

E took a break from fussing to catch some football on our last night in Brewerytown. #allpacked #sosore #notasyoungasweusedtobe

E took a break from fussing to catch some football on our last night in Brewerytown. #allpacked #sosore #notasyoungasweusedtobe
from Facebook
via IFTTT October 18, 2015 at 09:34PM

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Big boy at the table

Pic 1: Somebody's excited to be at the table with the rest of the family!
Pic 2: Or is he?
Pic 3: He took matters into his own hands when we didn't give him any of our salmon or broccoli.

Friday, October 9, 2015

What a difference a week makes!

What a difference a week makes! Last week at this time E was in the middle of the world's most terrifying crying jag and we were hours away from a desperate rush to the ER. Although the doctors were never able to pinpoint the cause of his outburst, I'm convinced that it was his body trying to alert us to the fact that he NEEDED MORE FOOD. Within 24 hours of starting to supplement with formula, our previously labeled "High Needs Baby" turned into a pleasant, easy-going, smiling and cooing little dude. He's napping well, he's processing dairy just fine, and he's dropped his level of hatred for the carseat down to manageable levels. Although I've got lingering guilt that we didn't discover this problem sooner (as well as some minor feelings of inadequacy about my milk supply), I'm so glad we finally figured out what was going on and that it had such a simple solution.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

For exercise today I decided to weed for 2 hours. Colonel Fussbottom grudgingly agreed to nap for that same length of time. #suburbanlife #babyonmydoorstep #gonnabesoretomorrow

For exercise today I decided to weed for 2 hours. Colonel Fussbottom grudgingly agreed to nap for that same length of time. #suburbanlife #babyonmydoorstep #gonnabesoretomorrow
from Facebook
via IFTTT October 07, 2015 at 02:56PM

Thursday, October 1, 2015

E's nicknames

  1. Baby Bruva
  2. Smelliot
  3. Fussy McFartypants
  4. Farty McFussypants
  5. Colonel Fussbottom
  6. Starvin' Marvin
  7. E-Frank
  8. Thrasher

Overheard in pediatrician's waiting room

"Mom, that baby is just like Ben but un-fattened!"

First nap in our new house

While everyone else shared a Chinese food picnic in the bay window, Elliot caught up on his missed sleep from the day.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Our impending move is stressing me out, so I'm choosing gratitude instead. I'm grateful for my folks for providing such a comfortable sanctuary for us Papal refugees the past few days. For a safe and quiet ride back to Philadelphia this morning (Elliot slept almost the whole way). For Hope stepping up and taking on more and more responsibility around the house and just generally being a great kid. For an amazing employer who allowed me to take an extended maternity leave to help get my family settled in our new house. For a father-in-law who arrives Thursday to help us paint aforementioned house. #oneluckymama #bigchangesarecoming #ittakesavillage #littlemonster

Our impending move is stressing me out, so I'm choosing gratitude instead. I'm grateful for my folks for providing such a comfortable sanctuary for us Papal refugees the past few days. For a safe and quiet ride back to Philadelphia this morning (Elliot slept almost the whole way). For Hope stepping up and taking on more and more responsibility around the house and just generally being a great kid. For an amazing employer who allowed me to take an extended maternity leave to help get my family settled in our new house. For a father-in-law who arrives Thursday to help us paint aforementioned house. #oneluckymama #bigchangesarecoming #ittakesavillage #littlemonster
from Facebook
via IFTTT September 28, 2015 at 01:10PM

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Almost forgot to post, but this dude is 3 months old today! (His face is in response to Chip Kelly's offense.)

Almost forgot to post, but this dude is 3 months old today! (His face is in response to Chip Kelly's offense.)
from Facebook
via IFTTT September 20, 2015 at 07:22PM

Friday, September 18, 2015

The one thing Elliot doesn't sleep through. #pasttimetogetmyhairdone #sufferingforbeauty

The one thing Elliot doesn't sleep through. #pasttimetogetmyhairdone #sufferingforbeauty
from Facebook
via IFTTT September 18, 2015 at 11:37AM

Monday, September 14, 2015

Beautiful morning to explore a cemetery. 45 minute walk and only covered a small fraction of Laurel Hill. I'll definitely be coming back. #45minutesleepcycle #readyforfall #thathatthough

Beautiful morning to explore a cemetery. 45 minute walk and only covered a small fraction of Laurel Hill. I'll definitely be coming back. #45minutesleepcycle #readyforfall #thathatthough
from Facebook
via IFTTT September 14, 2015 at 11:47AM

Saturday, August 8, 2015

And just one more because although it's blurry, it perfectly captures how Elliot smiles not just with his mouth but with his eyes! #swoon #mylittleprince

And just one more because although it's blurry, it perfectly captures how Elliot smiles not just with his mouth but with his eyes! #swoon #mylittleprince
from Facebook
via IFTTT August 08, 2015 at 02:36PM

7 weeks old today (and already taking selfies!?)

7 weeks old today (and already taking selfies!?)
from Facebook
via IFTTT August 08, 2015 at 02:29PM

Saturday, August 1, 2015

6 weeks old today!

6 weeks old today!
from Facebook
via IFTTT August 01, 2015 at 10:01AM

Sunday, July 26, 2015

After a long afternoon of crying while your parents tour Open Houses, there's nothing like lying your tired head on your mom's flabby arm and smushing your face into a pillow to take the edge off. (With a million thanks to Marcie Jane for babysitting Hope so we could go!!) #thingsidesperatelywishelliothadsleptthrough

After a long afternoon of crying while your parents tour Open Houses, there's nothing like lying your tired head on your mom's flabby arm and smushing your face into a pillow to take the edge off. (With a million thanks to Marcie Jane for babysitting Hope so we could go!!) #thingsidesperatelywishelliothadsleptthrough
from Facebook
via IFTTT July 26, 2015 at 03:22PM

Saturday, July 25, 2015

This spoiled and lovable bundle of snuggles and farts is 5 weeks old today!

This spoiled and lovable bundle of snuggles and farts is 5 weeks old today!
from Facebook
via IFTTT July 25, 2015 at 08:02AM

Monday, July 20, 2015

Elliot's having a bad hair day.

Elliot's having a bad hair day.
from Facebook
via IFTTT July 20, 2015 at 01:12PM

Sunday, July 19, 2015

First time we've ventured out as a family was a success! It was also Hope's third visit to Art of the Brick. This girl loves her Legos. (Another cool thing Elliot slept through.)

First time we've ventured out as a family was a success! It was also Hope's third visit to Art of the Brick. This girl loves her Legos. (Another cool thing Elliot slept through.)
from Facebook
via IFTTT July 19, 2015 at 12:59PM

Elliot Franklin and his (middle) namesake

Another cool thing Elliot slept through. 

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Four weeks old today. (Look at that scrawny neck!)

Four weeks old today. (Look at that scrawny neck!)
from Facebook
via IFTTT July 18, 2015 at 01:40PM

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Hey Nugget, pop quiz for ya: When is the best time to poop? A. Before mom gets the diaper off B. Before mom gets the new diaper on C. Right after mom puts on the new diaper #theanswerisa #iwouldalsoacceptc #bisneverok

from Facebook

The First Few Weeks

The Hospital
Our stay at the hospital lasted from Saturday morning around 4:45am to Monday afternoon. This was about 36 hours less than our stay with Hope, when we went through a non-stress test + induction and did all laboring in the hospital. This time, Tommy stayed at home to take care of Hope, and we didn't need to pay extra for the Pavilion since Pennsylvania Hospital recently converted all their postpartum recovery rooms to singles. The food was definitely a few steps down from what we enjoyed last time, but the nursing care was just as good. Being a second-time mom, they gave me much more time to myself and interrupted as infrequently as possible, which was much appreciated. The nursing staff seemed to get a kick out of my laid back attitude, and remarked often about how self-sufficient and easy to care for we were. Pappy Jack and Grammy came along with Tommy and Hope to meet Elliot on Saturday, and Tommy came to visit on Sunday to give me my longest stretch of sleep to that point.

Healthy Baby
Elliot has been a remarkably healthy baby. We had him checked for tongue-tie because of our family history, but the pediatrician and the lactation consultation both declared him normal. His bilirubin and glucose levels were fine (the latter was only checked because he was post-date), and he lost very little weight in the hospital (7 lb 3 oz at birth and 6 lb 12 oz at discharge). After an inaccurate weight reading at our first pediatrician appointment on Wednesday, he was back up to his birth weight on Friday (one week after birth).  During his exam, the doctor was amazed at how strong he is. When she turned him on his stomach to check his back, he pushed up with his head and hands and she exclaimed, "This little guy's doing planks at one week old!" Of course, due to his quick travel down the birth canal, he has a perfectly round head, just like his sister.

Progress with Breastfeeding
Elliot latched immediately after birth with some help from our doula (it took two of us to compress the breast, hold his hands out of the way, and point his head in the right direction). He nursed often throughout our time at the hospital and was very demanding in our first few days at home. I was relieved when the pediatrician recommended I space out his feedings a bit, and gave us the go-ahead to use a pacifier. At this point, he's settled in to a 3-hour feeding cycle, both day and night, which is very manageable for me. As with Hope, I experienced extreme nipple soreness for the first two weeks, but that's reduced dramatically as I've both toughened up and applied APNO + saltwater and coconut oil treatments. Although still difficult, the adjustment to breastfeeding has been much easier the second time around, and I'm ecstatic that we've been able to make it work without the added complications of a nipple shield. Additionally, I have to mention that our doula has been a life-saver, responding to all of my texted questions and just generally helping me keep my sense of perspective (ie. the early days are hard, but they don't last forever).

Adjustments: Big Sister Hope
As with Hope's birth, we were extremely fortunate to have my mom stay with us for our first few days at home. Aside from all of the normal household chores (laundry, cooking, the seemingly never-ending task of loading and unloading the dishwasher, etc), she also helped provide extra attention to Hope to ease the transition from only child to big sister. During her visit at the hospital, Hope was silent, as she often is during new experiences. She investigated Elliot for a few minutes, interacted with him as she was directed to ("Do you want to touch his head?" "Do you want to hold his hand?"), and then was ready to go on to something more interesting. Over the course of the next few weeks, her attitude toward him progressed from indifference to mild curiosity, with short bouts of intense interest. She'll seem to notice him all of a sudden, run to his side, and proclaim that he loves her, that he's looking at her, that the minute hand movement he just made is a wave to her. Out of the blue, she'll proclaim that she's giving him a specific toy to play with, or that when he gets bigger she's going to teach him how to walk/talk/eat/swim, or that when she was a little baby she was just like him. The rest of the time, she goes on as if he doesn't exist, although her behavior clearly indicates that his presence is causing her some distress.

She's been acting out much more frequently, is responding poorly to other transitions (like coming and going from school) and just generally testing limits in ways she did not previously. Additionally, she spends some time each day feeling out the boundaries of how she is allowed to act around him: "How loud can I be near his face?", "How close to him can I bounce on the bed?", "How hard can I pat him?", "Can I cover him up with this diaper?", "What about if I put it over his face?" She summed up the major change in her life the other day: "Sometimes I want to play with you, but you're taking care of Elliot." All of this is appropriate and normal, and we're doing our best to help her adjust. In particular, we make sure she has some one-on-one time with me every day, even if it's just reading her bedtime story. We're also trying to find ways that she can help out, either with Elliot or just around the house to be a 'big girl.' In the end, it's just going to take time for us all to adjust to our new normal.

 Our New Normal
Tommy and I are basically playing man-to-man defense with the kids, with Tommy covering Hope and me on Elliot. Obviously there's some overlap in our roles, and we help each other out a lot, but it's been nice to be able to keep my focus narrow--just keep this one human being alive. Sure, I'm waking up 2-3 times a night for feedings, but I'm also able to catch up with naps during the day since Hope is still going to school. Tommy, on the other hand, gets to sleep through the night, but definitely needs to be well-rested to not only work full-time but also successfully wrangle our budding "three-nager." He gets her dressed every morning, takes her to school, then works a full day (either from home, at the office or from his satellite office at RyBrew), after which he picks her up from school and handles the majority of the bedtime routine. I don't think I could overstate how difficult those tasks have become now that virtually every interaction with her seems to be a tantrum-waiting-to-happen.

Since week two, we've been able to carve out an hour of each day to spend together after Hope goes to bed. Usually we only have the energy to ask each other a few questions about our days and then settle in to watch The Good Wife, but something is better than nothing. We're looking forward to our family vacation in August when we should be able to manage our first post-Elliot date night with the help of my amazing parents.

We've had a pretty steady stream of visitors since we came home from the hospital, including Tommy's folks, colleagues, neighbors and friends. Between their generous gifts, the freezer stash I built up during my third trimester, and routine deliveries through GrubHub and Caviar, we've been eating well despite the low expectations I set for myself these first few weeks (my "To Do" list regularly featured items like "clip own fingernails" and "take a walk"). Thankfully, a few days ago, Elliot decided that it was ok to nap without being held, and since then I've been able to aim just a bit higher. On Monday I made zucchini bread and yesterday we ventured out to Whole Foods to tide us over till weekend grocery delivery. I've got a plan for dinner every night this week, and right now there's a Balsamic Roast Beef in the crock pot. I'm hoping this streak keeps up, so that I can start to be even more ambitious with my free time--this house isn't going to pack itself. Oh yeah, did I mention we're hoping to buy a house and move to the suburbs before I return to work in December? Yeah.

Through all of the adjustments and changes of the past few weeks, I've been consciously fighting the urge to long for the future--"I can't wait to see what color his eyes turn out to be", "When will Hope be fully potty trained?", "It'll be so nice when I can nurse one-handed", etc. Knowing that Elliot is our last baby, I've been doing my best to be fully present for as many moments as possible. It's so hard, but nothing is more important. To make the choice to put down my cell phone, to turn off the TV, to stop writing/planning my To Do List, and just breathe in the sweetness of my children.

He will never need me quite as much as he does right now. His head won't smell this way forever. He will never be this small again. Soon enough, he'll unfold his legs and start rolling, crawling, walking. We'll be helping him blow out his first birthday candle before I can blink an eye.

She won't always need me to make sure her shoes are on the right feet. Her fourth birthday will be here before I know it, and I don't want to wonder where the year went. I want to remember as much of it as possible because I was THERE. 

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

This week's entry for "Sleeping Baby Tuesday" contains matching mommy-baby smiles.

This week's entry for "Sleeping Baby Tuesday" contains matching mommy-baby smiles.
from Facebook
via IFTTT July 14, 2015 at 03:13PM