Tuesday, October 20, 2015

This goofball is 4 months old today. After an exhausting day of watching the movers, he's settling in to his new digs and his very own room!

This goofball is 4 months old today. After an exhausting day of watching the movers, he's settling in to his new digs and his very own room!
from Facebook http://ift.tt/1LIrQcW
via IFTTT October 20, 2015 at 11:11AM

Sunday, October 18, 2015

E took a break from fussing to catch some football on our last night in Brewerytown. #allpacked #sosore #notasyoungasweusedtobe

E took a break from fussing to catch some football on our last night in Brewerytown. #allpacked #sosore #notasyoungasweusedtobe
from Facebook http://ift.tt/1QK4wLT
via IFTTT October 18, 2015 at 09:34PM

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Big boy at the table

Pic 1: Somebody's excited to be at the table with the rest of the family!
Pic 2: Or is he?
Pic 3: He took matters into his own hands when we didn't give him any of our salmon or broccoli.

Friday, October 9, 2015

What a difference a week makes!

What a difference a week makes! Last week at this time E was in the middle of the world's most terrifying crying jag and we were hours away from a desperate rush to the ER. Although the doctors were never able to pinpoint the cause of his outburst, I'm convinced that it was his body trying to alert us to the fact that he NEEDED MORE FOOD. Within 24 hours of starting to supplement with formula, our previously labeled "High Needs Baby" turned into a pleasant, easy-going, smiling and cooing little dude. He's napping well, he's processing dairy just fine, and he's dropped his level of hatred for the carseat down to manageable levels. Although I've got lingering guilt that we didn't discover this problem sooner (as well as some minor feelings of inadequacy about my milk supply), I'm so glad we finally figured out what was going on and that it had such a simple solution.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

For exercise today I decided to weed for 2 hours. Colonel Fussbottom grudgingly agreed to nap for that same length of time. #suburbanlife #babyonmydoorstep #gonnabesoretomorrow

For exercise today I decided to weed for 2 hours. Colonel Fussbottom grudgingly agreed to nap for that same length of time. #suburbanlife #babyonmydoorstep #gonnabesoretomorrow
from Facebook http://ift.tt/1jOqz9J
via IFTTT October 07, 2015 at 02:56PM

Thursday, October 1, 2015

E's nicknames

  1. Baby Bruva
  2. Smelliot
  3. Fussy McFartypants
  4. Farty McFussypants
  5. Colonel Fussbottom
  6. Starvin' Marvin
  7. E-Frank
  8. Thrasher

Overheard in pediatrician's waiting room

"Mom, that baby is just like Ben but un-fattened!"

First nap in our new house

While everyone else shared a Chinese food picnic in the bay window, Elliot caught up on his missed sleep from the day.