Friday, June 7, 2019

M: <Looking at a card from my in-laws> How nice! They got me a gift certificate for a massage.
H: What's a massage?
M: It's when I lie down on a table and somebody rubs my back and it feels nice.
H: I could do that for you!
M: I bet you'd be cheaper than these people.
H: Yeah! I'm free!
E: No, you're four!

Sunday, June 2, 2019


All throughout our camping trip, E kept bringing me flowers (mostly the beautiful tops of "weeds") and one time he said, "No one gets flowers except for mommy."

Tender moments

M: I love you.
E: I know that.
M: I’m so glad buddy, one of my parenting goals is that you kids know you are loved.
E: I farted.
#tendermomentswithnugget #nextupbirthdayboy #mylittleman