Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Luckiest mom ever

These two played so contentedly on their own/together tonight. Extreme dot-to-dot for H and big floor puzzle for E. The some big box fun!

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Things E says right now

When he wants you to play tickle with him: "Got me! Got me!" because he wants you to say, "I got you!"

"Up, up, up, up, up!" when he wants me to pick him up.

"Boom-dozer" instead of "bulldozer"
"Doom-truck" for dumptruck

"Bay-er" for bear
"Pider" for spider
"Peedy car" for speedy car

Old McDonald verses:
Big cow (Moo), little cow (moo), horse (neigh), reindeer (what does a reindeer say?), penguin (waddle)

"I want food! My belly-ache is full!"

"Stop annoying at me!"

"Diamond room" for dining room

"Hop-spital" for hospital

"You're giving me night-dreams!" instead of night mares

"It sa-peared!" for "it disappeared"
"That's a-sgusting" for disgusting

"Amorning" for "this morning"

"My nother blanket" when he has one and wants the other one

"Bana" for banana

"Mix-mixer" for cement mixer
"Scrunchin site" for construction site

Why is that truck "bonking" its horn?

When you kiss him, "What did that sound like to you?" "It sounded like that to me, too!"

"Thanks, your majesty!"

"Incited" for excited

"Slip-aly" for slippery
"Fing" for thing

"Tri-nangle" for triangle

His favorite breakfast food is an "angel muffin" (english)