Thursday, August 26, 2021

Moral of the story

I told E a bedtime story about a little boy who so spoke meanly to robots but then learned to be nice to everyone . And towards the end he said, "wait—are you telling me this so I'll think about it and be nice?!"

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Watching rogue one

"In battles you want to make sure you don't die but also really try to save the world."

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M: after looking in the trash can and noticing lots of peels "how many bananas did you eat today?"
E: "just four"

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Saturday, August 21, 2021


During a kissing scene in Solo: A Star Wars Story, E said: "Ewww! It looks like one of them is eating the other's mouth!"

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Monday, August 2, 2021


M: They might not like your shirt, little rebel. How are you going to stand up to them?
E: Well, they always miss what they shoot at…

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